Do you know if your oncall services are operating at maximium quality and efficiency? URGIENT provides the tools necessary to give you the visibility needed to drive quality and efficiency.

Some Highlights
Page Audit Logs
Page Audit Logs are directly accessible from within a Page. See the full history of the Page including (but not limitted to) submissions, views, status changes, notes, escalations, etc... all entries show the responsible / target party.
User activity, failed logins, device registrations, bulk administration, etc... URGIENT provides clear visibility to the happenings of the system.
Department Oncall Inboxes
Provides a shared, fully detailed view of all pages sent to the department's oncall service. Besides the benefit of oversight, these shared views provide for quick and efficient shift changes, ensuring "nothing falls through cracks".
Page Audit Log
Sectegrity URGIENT Page Audit Log
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Security and Compliance
HIPAA Compliance
Operational Efficiencies
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Business Continuity
On-Call Services
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"SECTEGRITY", "Allow No Harm", "URGIENT" and "SecurePaging" are Registered Trademarks of SECTEGRITY Corporation
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